RAID (Risks, Assumptions Issues, Dependencies) are a key part of any successful project. Planning and mitigation is the responsible way to manage projects or key tasks. I still see very large organisations who run their RAID logs on a spreadsheet.

Keeping track of each line item, assigning them and managing when they should be reviewed, as well as their mitigating actions (sometimes more than one per line item) is really something that your team should be doing in SharePoint.

If you manage multi-team, multi-project environments, then you need dashboards to allow the right information to be surfaced at the right time to the right people. We can use:

  • My Dashboard - The same link for all, but filtered to show only information relevant to the person logged in to SharePoint.

  • Programme - a high level view of all projects and allowing focus on exceptions.

  • Project - filtered to show information for the current project, and who is doing what, when and the team documents.

  • Team - more granular than the project, it allows individual teams to focus on cross-project actions and information.

  • Exceptions - an easy way to catch and monitor overdue actions, documents past review date or any other incorrect items.

Sometimes you need to take information out of SharePoint to print or use on Pivot Tables. We can help you create a 'single-click' linked MS Excel workbook that exports all current data and takes it straight into graphs or pivot tables.

We can surface the information into Microsoft Teams to make it easy to find,